Azerbaijan says it won’t sell gas to Europe if TAP is obstructed

10:26 | 29.05.2015
Azerbaijan says it won’t sell gas to Europe if TAP is obstructed

Azerbaijan says it won’t sell gas to Europe if TAP is obstructed

President Ilham Aliyev has said Azerbaijan will sell its natural gas earmarked for Europe to Turkey if the planned Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) is obstructed.

"If problems emerge with TAP, we’ll export our gas mostly to the Turkish market,” Aliyev said at a Republic Day reception in Baku on May 27.

"I hope there will be no artificial obstacles to TAP. No side will win if there are obstacles.”

All TAP members should behave "responsibly” and avoid causing problems, Aliyev said, without naming anyone.

Azerbaijan agreed in December 2013 to sell 10 billion cubic meters of gas a year to Europe from 2020. TAP is to link western Turkey to southern Italy through Greece and Albania.

Azerbaijan’s Energy Minister Natiq Aliyev had earlier blamed Greece for seeking to delay TAP.
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