Azerbaijan WTO accession negotiations gain momentum

12:15 | 27.02.2014
Azerbaijan WTO accession negotiations gain momentum

Azerbaijan WTO accession negotiations gain momentum

Technical work on Azerbaijan’s accession to the WTO “has gained positive momentum” said the Working Party Chairman Ambassador Walter Lewalter (Germany) at the 11th meeting of the Working Party on 21 February 2014.

He commended Azerbaijan for its solid work to bring its trade regime in compliance with WTO rules.

WTO members examined Azerbaijan’s trade regime on the basis of the Draft Working Party Report, which records the dialogue that has taken place between members and Azerbaijan. The Report contains proposed draft commitments.

Members requested further clarifications from Azerbaijan on tax exemptions, investment incentives, operation of foreign-owned enterprises, privatizations, technical barriers to trade, subsidies, transit and intellectual property.

Azerbaijan reported positive engagement with WTO members during bilateral market access negotiations on goods and services. Ambassador Lewalter urged members and Azerbaijan to “keep the momentum” and “continue pursuing market access negotiations in a proactive manner”.

Azerbaijan updated members on its legislative developments and reaffirmed its commitment to bring its trade regime into conformity with WTO rules. Members expressed support for Azerbaijan’s early accession.

The date of the next meeting of the Working Party will depend on the submission of inputs by Azerbaijan, namely replies to members’ questions, draft/adopted legislation and an updated Legislative Action Plan.

Ambassador Lewalter praised Azerbaijan and WTO members for their “constructive engagement and productive outcome”.


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