Azerbaijan's population tops 9.5 million

10:00 | 16.07.2014
Azerbaijan's population tops 9.5 million

Azerbaijan's population tops 9.5 million

Azerbaijan's population has grown 0.5 percent from the start of the year to 9,520,300, the State Statistical Committee said.

Some 53.2 percent of the total population live in cities and 46.8 percent in the regions of Azerbaijan.

About 22.4 percent of the population are aged 0-14 years, some 71.8 percent are 15-64 years, and 5.8 percent above 65. For every 1000 men there are 1011 women in Azerbaijan.

Some 67,300 children were born in Azerbaijan within the first six months of 2014, some 53.6 percent of whom are boys, and 46.4 percent girls. The natural increase per 1,000 people made up 17.3 people.

Some 2.2 children accounted for every woman who is capable to have a child throughout life that ensures the reproduction of the population.

Some 24,000 deaths were registered in Azerbaijan since the beginning of the year. The mortality rate per 1000 people remained unchanged and made up 6.3 person compared to the same period last year.

Some 30,900 marriages were concluded and 5000 divorces were registered in January-May. The number of marriages and divorces for every 1,000 people didn't change compared to the same period last year and made up 7.9 and 1.3 respectively.

Some 675 people arrived in Azerbaijan for permanent residence and 319 people left the country in the first five months of 2014. The data was provided by the relevant authorities of the State Migration Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


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