"Techcell" hackathon, organized by the Azerbaijan-French
University (UFAZ) with the support of "Azercell Telecom" LLC, has
Latifa Nasibova, the Acting Executive Director of
UFAZ, extended her congratulations to the winners and emphasized the importance
of these events in fostering interest in technology and innovation, as well as
promoting collaboration among students.
According to the hackathon’s jury decision, the
"Night Ops" team from UFAZ secured first place. The second place went
to the team "Sentinels" from the Baku Higher Oil School, while the
"Delusion" team from the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
claimed the third place. The teams received cash prizes and valuable gifts.
The 96 teams from 15 universities across the country
submitted applications for the competition, with 30 teams of three participants
advancing to the final stage held on May 18-19. Guided by professional mentors
from Azercell and UFAZ, teams tackled real-world challenges in information
technology, cybersecurity, and mobile networks.
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