In an interview with CNN the Formula One chief executive claimed that Putin's policies on gay rights – which have included telling gay people that they would be not be subjected to harassment at the current Winter Olympics in Sochi, as long as they stay away from children – had been misrepresented."He hasn't said he doesn't agree [with homosexuality] just that he doesn't want these things publicised to an audience under the age of 18," Ecclestone told CNN. "I completely agree with those sentiments and if you took a world census you'd find 90% of the world agree with it as well.""I've great admiration for him and his courage to say what he says. [It] may upset a few people but that's how the world is. It's how he sees [the world] and I think he's completely right."Ecclestone, who was on Thursday victorious in his multi-million pound high court case with Constantin Medien, knows Putin through Formula One, with the pair meeting face-to-face to conclude a deal that will see Sochi host an F1 race for the first time in October this year.(