Biden, Erdogan mull F-16s, Sweden’s NATO bid

09:30 | 30.05.2023
Biden, Erdogan mull F-16s, Sweden’s NATO bid

Biden, Erdogan mull F-16s, Sweden’s NATO bid

US President Joe Biden said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a call on May 29 repeated Ankara’s desire to buy F-16 fighter jets from the US, while Biden told him Washington wanted Ankara to drop its objection to Sweden’s joining NATO,  reported from  Reuters.

The exchange took place when Biden called Erdogan to congratulate him on his victory in Türkiye’s presidential election on May 28.

"I spoke to Erdogan. I congratulated Erdogan. He still wants to work on something on the F-16s. I told him we wanted a deal with Sweden, so let's get that done. And so we'll be back in touch with one another,” Biden told reporters before departing the White House for Delaware.

Asked if he expected any movement from Erdogan on Sweden's NATO membership, Biden said: "I raised that issue with him. We're going to talk more about it next week.”
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