Google expert held master class for Azerbaijani schoolchildren

Young programmers are set to represent Azerbaijan at International Olympiads
The Institute of Education and “Azercell Telecom” LLC organized another "Winter Camp" for the national team preparing for the international informatics Olympiads. As part of this initiative, the schoolchildren had the unique opportunity to engage with Rahim Mammadli, a software engineer at Google, and Tarlan Suleymanov, an Oxford University graduate specializing in autonomous vehicle control. The experts conducted a master class on modern programming languages and technologies, sharing their knowledge and professional experience.
The six-day training featured daily competitive sessions designed to replicate the conditions of international Olympiads, as well as sessions focused on problem-solving strategies and other relevant topics.
Additionally, students preparing for the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) took part in an intensive training camp, which took place in Serbia from January 27 to February 4, 2025.
Since 2017, "Azercell Telecom" LLC, in partnership with the Ministry of Science and Education and the Institute of Education, has been committed to supporting young talents in their preparation for the International Olympiad in Informatics. Over the years, schoolchildren from both Baku and regions of the country have secured a total of 84 medals at various programming contests across different age categories.