Chuck Norris beats Jean Claude's 'epic split' - PHOTO+VIDEO

09:30 | 23.12.2013
Chuck Norris beats Jean Claude's 'epic split' - PHOTO+VIDEO

Chuck Norris beats Jean Claude's 'epic split' - PHOTO+VIDEO

They're both retired action heroes, famous for their martial arts fighting skills.

But it seems Jean-Claude Van Damme, 53, will be peeved to discover that his older rival Chuck Norris, 73, has out-split him in a new elaborate stunt.Chuck has parodied Jean Claude's November advert for Volvo which showed the muscles from Brussels performing the splits between two trucks.However, going above and beyond Chuck performs the very same stunt but with his legs balancing between two jumbo jets, albeit helped by some special effects.Not only that, the Way of the Dragon star then appears to be balancing a group of men on his shoulders. The video is billed as a special Christmas message from Chuck, one that will surely snarl the young Jean-Claude who is known for his flexibility.A Hungarian production house named Delov Digital are said to be responsible for the parody, providing the CGI effects that help Chuck peform the stunt.The original clip shows Jean-Claude folding his arms, as the star balances perfectly with his legs in horizontal position between the trucks which are reversing along what appears to be a runway.The commercial starts with a close up of the actor talking directly to the camera while standing in a more upright position between the moving vehicles.'I've had my ups and downs,' he says. 'My fair share of bumpy roads and heavy winds. That's what made me what I am today. The commercial soon went viral, prompting other celebrities to join in on the fun.Rob Ford took part in a straight-forward spoof of the advert, which saw the shamed Toronto Mayor also have a go at the splits.While actor Channing Tatum also did a version while filming 22 Jump Street.( 

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