Cute lion cub works on his roar - PHOTO

17:16 | 26.02.2014
Cute lion cub works on his roar - PHOTO

Cute lion cub works on his roar - PHOTO

He may one day become king of the jungle, but for now this little lion cub needs to work on his roar if he is to intimidate his rivals.

Obviously upset at being interrupted during feeding time, the unnamed cub tried to frighten the photographer with his bared teeth, but ended up looking sweet rather then scary.Zookeepers at Zoo Miami, Florida, have been forced to bottle-feed the infant after he contracted a bacterial infection shortly after being born last year, meaning he lost a lot of weight.Keepers were worried the three-month-old might not make it, so they started bottle-feeding the cub three times a day.However, as these pictures show, he is now fighting fit and expected to recovery, with long-term survival prospects looking good.As well as feeding him staff gave him a quick medical examination before handing him back to his mother, Asha.In time the cub will be introduced into the zoo's pride of three female lions.In the past Zoo Miami lions were used as models by cartoonists from Disney during the making of The Lion King.In total, artists spent days studying the beast, before incorporating the drawings they made into the film.(

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