EU appoints new special rep for South Caucasus and crisis in Georgia

16:30 | 26.07.2024
EU appoints new special rep for South Caucasus and crisis in Georgia

EU appoints new special rep for South Caucasus and crisis in Georgia

The European Council appointed Magdalena Grono as EU Special Representative (EUSR) for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, reported from the council.

Grono succeeds Toivo Klaar whose tenure of over 6 years comes to an end on August 31. She will take up her duties on September 1, 2024, for an initial period of 12 months.

As the new EUSR, Grono will continue the work of her predecessors, contributing to the implementation of the EU foreign policy objectives in the region.

She will contribute to the peaceful settlement of conflicts, including the crisis in Georgia and the normalization process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, in close coordination with the UN and the OSCE.

The new EUSR will engage with the main interested actors regarding the region and will develop contacts with governments, parliaments, other key political actors, and civil society, encouraging and facilitating cooperation on regional themes of common interest.
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