Ex-president of Montenegro: Support of int'l community needed to achieve peace between Baku and Yerevan

15:30 | 07.06.2023
Ex-president of Montenegro: Support of int'l community needed to achieve peace between Baku and Yerevan

Ex-president of Montenegro: Support of int'l community needed to achieve peace between Baku and Yerevan

To achieve peace in the near future, Armenia needs to recognize Karabakh as an integral part of Azerbaijan, former President of Montenegro Filip Vujanovic said at an event titled "Reconstruction, reconciliation and integration: Energy, economy, environment and capital" in Shusha.

According to Vujanovic, the help of the international community is also needed to achieve peace.

The Montenegrin politician also stressed the importance of the return of former internally displaced persons to the liberated territories of Azerbaijan.

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