France proposes new EU sanctions against Russia

17:30 | 24.04.2024
France proposes new EU sanctions against Russia

France proposes new EU sanctions against Russia

France is asking the European Union to set up a new sanctions regime to target Russian disinformation and election interference operations worldwide, reported from Bloomberg.

The proposal, which is backed by Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Poland, would allow the EU to strengthen sanctions against individuals and entities involved in Russian-sponsored destabilizing activities globally.

The draft paper seen by Bloomberg says that "destabilizing activities executed by Russia-related actors have increased everywhere in Europe as well – as the Russian regime has taken actions to undermine democracy, stability and the rule of law through a variety of hybrid instruments.”

Ahead of EU parliamentary elections in June, the bloc has made it a high priority to fight back against a growing tide of Russian disinformation, which seeks to divide allies on issues such as supporting Ukraine and damage relations with countries in the so-called Global South.

The French-led proposal would allow the EU to target the successors of Russia’s Wagner mercenary group, which was behind earlier disinformation operations, as well as anyone working with them or providing logistical and financial support, according to the paper.

A new sanctions regime would target those responsible for threatening the stability, security or sovereignty of EU member states or third countries by undermining elections, the rule of law, facilitating acts of violence or do so through the use of information manipulation and interference.

Similar to other EU sanctions regimes, penalties would include travel bans and asset freezes.
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