Google to take on Uber with WazeRider 'carpool' app

23:00 | 10.02.2016
Google to take on Uber with WazeRider 'carpool' app

Google to take on Uber with WazeRider 'carpool' app

Google is to take on Uber with a new 'carpool' app.

The WazeRider app will use Waze's navigation system to learn the routes drivers most frequently take to work and match them up with people looking for a ride in the same direction.

Commuters then pay fellow drivers a small fee for a ride to and from work.  

It was tested last year in Tel Aviv - but is now available across Israel. 

Google bought Israel-based Waze, which uses satellite signals from members' smartphones to offer real-time traffic information, for about $1 billion two years ago. 

'WazeRider finds you the most convenient, affordable ride to work from fellow commuters already driving with Waze, the world's largest community-based traffic and navigation app,' the app page says.

Ask for a ride, and we’ll connect you to a fellow commuter on your route who’s willing to help.

'WazeRider will then suggest a nominal payment to help with the cost of gas & wear and tear.'

The firm says the payments will be small, to 'help cover the cost of driving.' 

Drivers will be limited to just two journeys a day and will not be able to earn a salary from RideWith, a source close to the company said, differentiating it from businesses such as Uber, where drivers can turn a profit.

Should RideWith be rolled out globally, this limitation could help it avoid the backlash Uber is facing in a number of countries that want to protect professional taxi drivers.

Waze does not expect there to be enough drivers to meet demand at first, but as more sign on, passengers will be able to order a ride either to or from work while chipping in a bit for the cost of gas and wear and tear on the car, the source said.

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