Hunter caught smuggling protected birds from Azerbaijan

09:15 | 26.02.2014
Hunter caught smuggling protected birds from Azerbaijan

Hunter caught smuggling protected birds from Azerbaijan

A hunter who was returning from a hunting trip in Azerbaijan was caught trying to smuggle 50 dead birds into Malta on Sunday.

Among them were 15 classified as “strictly protected” in Annex I of the Wild Birds Directive.

The importation of the majority of the remaining specimens into Malta is restricted. Some are also afforded protection by the Convention in International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Bustards, tits, egrets and protected wildfowl were among the seized birds.

The consignment was found in the man's luggage as he returned from Azerbaijan via a connecting flight from Frankfurt.

The arrest was made in a joint operation by the Specialist Enforcement Branch of the Wild Birds Regulation Unit, the Customs Enforcement Unit, the Border Inspection Post of the Department of Veterinary Services and the Administrative Law Enforcement Unit of the Police.

Investigations are ongoing.

“The suspect is expected to be charged in the law courts in due course with breaches of the Conservation of Wild Birds Regulations and of the Customs Ordinance,” a spokesperson for the Animal Rights Parliamentary Secretariat said.


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