Inside the Brazilian town known as 'Twin Land' - PHOTO

21:50 | 15.04.2014
Inside the Brazilian town known as 'Twin Land' - PHOTO

Inside the Brazilian town known as 'Twin Land' - PHOTO

The Brazilian town of Cândido Godói is truly one of a kind... all because the same can't be said for the locals.The municipality, in the state Rio Grande do Sul, has been been nicknamed 'Twin Land' due to the phenomenal number of twins there. With more than one pregnancy in every ten being a multiple birth, the town has a twin rate nearly 1,000 per cent higher than the global average.And most bizarrely, while many attempts have been made to explain the phenomenon, many observers blame the Nazis.They say it is down to one of Adolf Hitler's most ruthless underlings Dr Joseph Mengele - also known as the Angel of Death.Some historians believe the Auschwitz physician fled to Brazil following the collapse of the Third Reich where he continued the medical experimentation for which he had become infamous during the war. He is alleged to have been responsible for the deaths of some 400,000 Jews.On a mission to create an Aryan master race for his Fuhrer, Mengele was resident medic at Auschwitz from May 1943 until his flight in the face of the Red Army advance in January 1945.  While working at the death camp, he carried out often horrifying human experiments as he tried to discover the genetic quirk that produces twins – in a bid to artificially increase the Aryan birthrate for his master.(
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