Inside the Valley of the Kings - PHOTO

And more than 3,000 years after its creation, the tomb, located in East Valley of the Kings in Thebes, Egypt, retains its extraordinary beauty.Ramesses IV inherited the throne after the assignation of Ramesses III but took over in a time of economic decline and as a result, while his tomb is large, it is considered relatively simplistic in design and decoration.Photographer Andrey Nekrasov, from Ukraine, was able to obtain permission from the Egyptian Government to special snap the murals using a flash.He said: ‘Inside it is is very beautiful. When you stand in the shadows, in absolute silence, it is hard to describe in words, but the feeling is extraordinary.‘It is unclear how such beauty could be created by people more than three thousand years ago.’He added: ‘It is very difficult to get permission to photograph inside the crypt of a Pharaoh in the Valley of the Kings - but I managed it.‘As a photographer and journalist I was invited to visit Egypt by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Whilst there I asked if I could have permission to shoot inside the crypt. I was told that doing this was prohibited.‘So I explained how it would be very it is interesting visitors from the Ukraine and would encourage more people to visit the Valley of the Kings and one hour before I was due to visit the tomb of Ramesses IV, I got permission.’(