Iraqi reality TV show forces ISIS terrorists convicted of bombings to meet relatives of their victim

09:58 | 25.12.2014
Iraqi reality TV show forces ISIS terrorists convicted of bombings to meet relatives of their victim

Iraqi reality TV show forces ISIS terrorists convicted of bombings to meet relatives of their victim

ISIS terrorists convicted of car bombings in Baghdad have been forced to face their victims' families in an Iraqi reality television show. 

Shackled and flanked by armed military officers, the men are returned to the scene of the bombings carried out across the ravaged city last month. 

There, they must face the wrath of their victims' families as camera crews film the heartbreaking exchange for the programme, In the Grip of the Law. 

In one scene, convicted bomber Haider Ali Motar wails as a man in a wheelchair spits verbal abuse towards him.  

Others tell the 21-year-old they will 'tear him to pieces' from behind a barbed wire fence. 

The show's presenter said it had been designed to demonstrate those responsible for terrorism offences are brought to justice, while others working on the programme hoped it would deter criminals from re-offending. 

'We wanted to produce a program that offers clear and conclusive evidence, with the complete story, presented and shown to Iraqi audiences,' Ahmed Hassan said. 

'Through surveillance videos, we show how the accused parked the car, how he blew it up, how he carries out an assassination.

'We show our audiences the pictures, along with hard evidence, to leave no doubts that this person is a criminal and paying for his crimes.'

A senior intelligence officer overseeing the filming added: 'Many of these terrorists feel a lot of remorse when they see the victims.  

'When people see that, it makes them think twice about crossing the law.'

Among clips shown in the programme are those of prisoners confessions to their crimes on camera and police examining DNA and ballistics evidence from the scene.

But human rights groups have expressed concern over the airing of filmed confessions, claiming any admission will have been made under duress. 


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