Isis 'behead their own fighters'

19:20 | 16.10.2014
Isis 'behead their own fighters'

Isis 'behead their own fighters'

Isis militants have reportedly publicly executed at least two of their own fighters in the Syrian city of Al-Bukamal, on charges of spying and embezzlement.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the first militant was executed for “banditry and robbing Muslims’ money”. The second militant was allegedly killed for “dealing with the regime and throwing electronic chips to keep track of Mujahedeen”.The electronic chips are understood to be a reference to electronic chips used for geo-location of targets in air strikes.There are unconfirmed reports that the men were beheaded, although Isis (also known as Islamic State) have also been known to crucify people.Charlie Winter, Programs Officer at counter-extremism think tank the Quilliam Foundation, said reports of Isis executing their own fighters are unsurprising. He told The Independent: “Isis is known for crucifying those who have tried to rebel against them. They do not flinch at killing anyone if they have committed a serious crime which goes against their interpretation of sharia, such as usury or embezzlement.“Jihadist groups have a strict no corruption policy, meaning that while they can benefit financially from charging bank transactions and claiming a percentage of everyone’s monthly income, they don’t extort people like some secular groups have done in the past.”The news comes after research carried out by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at King's College in London, which monitors social media accounts of alleged jihadists, suggests 24 fighters from Britain are dead.(

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