Jelly Belly unveils 'a crisp and wheaty' BEER-flavored bean

15:45 | 23.01.2014
Jelly Belly unveils 'a crisp and wheaty' BEER-flavored bean

Jelly Belly unveils 'a crisp and wheaty' BEER-flavored bean

Jelly Belly has added a draft beer bean to its collection of more than 100 flavors following popular demand.

The California-based candy company spent three years experimenting with ingredients to find a recipe that matched the 'effervescent, clean, crisp and wheaty taste' of a German Hefeweizen ale.While many fans have celebrated the menu addition, some have slammed Jelly Belly for sending the wrong message to children, despite the fact its newest four-calorie bean is non-alcoholic.One mother wrote on Facebook: 'No way . . . so now we can give our kids jelly bellies and they will learn the taste of beer, you could not have messed up any worse than this on choosing a new flavor.'I will not be buying Jelly Belly any longer. Very disappointed.' Another commentator added: 'Disappointed. A highly kid friendly product now has an alcohol flavored jelly bean. Wow. Sad.'But others pointed out that Jelly Belly has been producing alcoholic-inspired offerings for years.Indeed, the company first created a non-alcoholic gourmet flavor in 1977 with Mai Tai. Since then, more flavors including Blackberry Brandy, Pina Colada, Strawberry Daiquiri, Margarita have been developed. Explaining what inspired the Draft Beer jelly bean Rob Swaigen, Jelly Belly’s vice president of marketing, told Today: 'Our fans have been asking for a beer Jelly Bean for years.'It took a few years to perfect, but we think we got it right.'Ambrose Lee, the firm’s research and development manager, said they looked at each basic ingredients of beer to capture the true taste.'First we tried to work on matching the hops, then we worked on the yeast, the flavor, and finally at the end of this year we completed the development.'The golden-colored beans - priced at $8.99 for a 16oz bag - even have an effervescent finish for that 'fresh from the tap "bubbly" look.'According to a press release, they have a 'crisp flavor . . .with notes of wheat and a touch of sweetness. The aroma is mildly bready.'Jelly Belly employees said during the development process the factory lost its sweet aroma and started smelling like an ale house.Mr Lee added: 'Hopefully the consumer really loves it.'Jelly Belly, which has been in operation since 1898, produces more than 17,000 tons of candy annually.Along with beer, it also launched a dark chocolate-covered Tabasco bean - described as 'sweet meets spicy in a whole new way'- to its selection this month.(

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