Karabakh will be back

09:59 | 22.11.2013
Karabakh will be back

Karabakh will be back

Hamid Hamidov

When mediators in a statement claiming that, say, " parties to the conflict agreed to give impetus to further negotiations aimed at achieving a peaceful settlement," I once again get squeezed and solidly embraced by the belief that the institution of the OSCE continues to believe the peoples of Armenia and Azerbaijan fools (consider that you are sitting in the kitchen with me, and then I do not choose expressions).

I do not undertake to speak for the Armenian nation, as a minimum, because I do not have the possibility of daily contact with its representatives, and as a maximum, because I understand that such statements of the intermediaries are actually on hand of our western neighbors. But here for the Azerbaijani people and for me personally, I think I have the right to say.

When on the eve of the meeting of presidents some of my friends, colleagues and buddylist on Facebook - rather, by the way, educated, smart, intelligent, claiming to be called part of the common sense of the people, said that they expected real progress from the meeting of the presidents, I was ... joyful. I was happy because there still are optimists among us.

I sincerely envied them. I envied their optimism. But though I tried, I could not grind out at least a shred of hope at the meeting of the presidents. Because I once grasped well for myself that Serzh Sargsyan, who fought by the way in Karabakh and lost his friends and co-workers, who earned a fortune in the war - both financial and political, will just never return the occupied lands.

He will not return them, even if he wanted. Otherwise he will be removed soon, as once Ter-Petrosyan was ousted. He will be removed and will not be allowed...

When our officials say that Azerbaijan is ready to resolve the conflict by military means at any moment, but hopes for a peaceful solution, you should realize that these statements are designed exclusively for internal users.

These statements you hear for many years in a row. And you know that in a few years you will not hear them any longer - either because the land would be returned, or because all would be so tired of these statements that they would not notice them or touch this subject...

I am not in favor of war for the sake of war. I'm not for the war, knowing what it will bring to my people. I am for the war for land - the land, without which I have spent a little over 70 % of my life. We should do this through the war, if thre is nothing else to do. It is better to wage a war than to chatter.

I am for the solution of the conflict - for solving the problem here and now, without strategic moves and ideas. Because it is more and more obvious that in all these geopolitical intricacies we win less than the others.

We want to resolve the conflict peacefully? OK. Come on. Who would help?

States? EU?

Is there a guarantee? Yes? Well, fine. Then we are with you, guys. But, mind you, keep your word and return our land to the last square inch here and now. Well, at least tomorrow. Well, the day after tomorrow - but not later.

What? No? Unable to? Well, and who is able?

Russian Federation? Mr. Putin? Are there guarantees? Tomorrow, well, at least, the day after tomorrow.

OK. What is required of us? To join the Customs Union? Easily. The Eurasian Economic Union? Certainly. Land is worth even establishing the Russian Ruble in our country.

Because we could refuse of the Ruble and leave those entities any time, but I hope we will never lose our land again. Life has taught us to cherish it...

And I understand that if it were not for the Karabakh conflict, it had to be made up, because it's a cool lever of pressure and blackmail, which is happily used not only by global giants in the face of the West and Russia, but also by Turkey and Iran... Georgia and Israel are trying... Everyone does this at his level... and to his advantage. We have been trying to satisfy their interests for decades. Only the area of the land occupied has in no way diminished for some reason...

Or should we spit on everything, eh?

Maybe, we should simply offer to Yerevan to establish diplomatic relations, open the borders, start to visit Armenia and the occupied territories, validly receive all there permits and permanent residence (as businessmen, for example) to engage in business there, to build production, to plow the land, live, eat, breed and be sure to ...marry, marry Armenian girls massively, as much as we can...

And what?

 How many of them are there? Million and a half of the population throughout the country.

And we are over 9 million. About a million of our men for Armenian women will be more than enough. And they will still be able to choose.

That's a fruitful way - to get married, and most importantly, try to educate children in the spirit and traditions of Azerbaijanis. Not all will manage, of course. But 60 % of our people, I hope, will cope.

And so, say, in some 20-30 years, your might open your eyes in Yerevan one fine morning and see only Azeris around. Well, with consequences... 

Oh, we should inspire our kids with an idea from the childhood - the idea of ​​the return of the lands to Azerbaijan (a kind of our Miatsum). And these kids will grow up, joining the power, politics and business circles, and one day, as if on cue, they will decide to unite not only Karabakh, but the entire Armenia with Azerbaijan.

That's what I understand as a real plan...

However, we will have to wait another 2-3 decades. But it is worth powder and shot. We could return the land without a single bullet and abundantly and restore, so to speak, historical justice. We will shalt hands on the neighboring economy, and most importantly, dilute the neighboring ethnicity so that the ethnic group would not remain as it is.

We will show the neighbors that we can hatch plans for a long-lasting future and are able to realiz them not worse than others.

In general, you gentlemen think... In fact, we can start it tomorrow... The main thing that should be done before this is to arrange a legislative ban on contraceptives in Armenia. The rest is a matter of technique of the Azerbaijani macho men.


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