Korotchenko: Karabakh now completely under control of Azerbaijan

18:00 | 20.09.2023
Korotchenko: Karabakh now completely under control of Azerbaijan

Korotchenko: Karabakh now completely under control of Azerbaijan

The bloody and long-standing conflict is over. Karabakh comes under the full control of Azerbaijan, Armenian illegal armed groups, as well as regular units of the Armenian army leave Karabakh and put their arms down in accordance with the agreements that were reached through the mediation of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, the Director General of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies (Russia) Igor Korotchenko said.

The political scientist noted that a historical moment of modern times is being witnessed: "We are eyewitnessing an outstanding event, probably for the first time in the modern era, a country, 20% of whose territories were occupied, managed to triumphantly return them, return there and restore, and, most importantly, there will be no return to the past."

Korotchenko called President Ilham Aliyev an outstanding politician, whose personal qualities, strategic thinking and iron will became the components of the triumph of the Azerbaijani state.

The expert also expressed hope and confidence that close, good relations and cooperation between Azerbaijan and Russia will continue and strengthen.

He also added that the foundation of relations between Russia and Azerbaijan is the long-term friendship of peoples, presidents and, of course, the Declaration of Allied Cooperation between the two countries.

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