Man rescues an adorable rodent and nurses it into adulthood - PHOTO

21:33 | 20.12.2013
Man rescues an adorable rodent and nurses it into adulthood - PHOTO

Man rescues an adorable rodent and nurses it into adulthood - PHOTO

A Florida man who found a tiny newborn flying squirrel clinging to life in the searing Florida sun took a risk and beat the odds by successfully nursing it into adulthood.Now the adorable little critter is a part of Jeff Longo's family after he found her on a hot Tampa sidewalk and named her Biscuits.At three months old, Biscuits' recovery is complete thanks to Longo's dedicated rehabilitation. But not everyone believed the St. Petersburg man could do it.Back when he found Biscuits, she'd somehow been separated from her mother and would almost certainly have died without a helping hand.That hand came along in the form of a kindly guy with a bushy red beard.Longo described the day he found Biscuits on Reddit, where he goes by 3sgtejeff:'I found her half dead, lying on the sidewalk in the Florida sun, I posted pictures on Reddit that day and had a bunch of know it alls tell me she would die, because I am not an animal rehabber.'Undaunted, Longo began learning everything he could about the furry nocturnal rodent.For two months, he took Biscuits with him to work every day and fed her a bottle filled with puppy formula mixed with heavy cream.Before long, it was clear that Longo had proven his critics wrong. Biscuits had become a full fledged member of the family.'She has a big cage and semi free reign of the house when I'm available to supervise,' Longo said. 'She wouldn't last 5 minutes in the wild now. She is super friendly to people and not afraid of animals.'Even Longo's dogs love Biscuits. 'I just have to watch them so they don't accidentally squish her,' he said.And that wouldn't be the first mishap to befall Biscuits.'When she first started becoming mobile, she escaped...I found her in the bathtub in the morning,' Longo said.Flying squirrels are nocturnal creatures and live in trees. Biscuits is forced to make do in Longo's home.'She runs around me like I'm a big tree...then jumps on things and then jumps back...gets excited...starts chirping...rinse and repeat,' he said.Now, despite the chirping and mischief making, long said Biscuits is there to stay.'I'm stuck with the little fluffball.'(
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