Meet the amazing Thai elephant who can play the 12-bar blues - VIDEO

23:57 | 26.05.2014
Meet the amazing Thai elephant who can play the 12-bar blues - VIDEO

Meet the amazing Thai elephant who can play the 12-bar blues - VIDEO

When it comes to tinkling the ivories, he's a natural.

This Thai elephant named Peter seems to have a particular talent for playing the piano as he shows in this hilarious video.PaulBartonPiano posted the clip of Peter the elephant playing the 12-bar blues 'entirely on his own accord,' according to YouTube.Peter, who's a part of the Elephantstay program at the Royal Elephant Kraal & Village in Thailand, seems to be enjoying the music.Peter does miss a few beats - but that doesn't matter.According to Elephantstay's Facebook page, the foundation allows visitors to live with, care for, and learn about elephants.It operates under the Phra Kochabaan Foundation, a registered non profit organisation.(

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