Monster saltwater crocodile that stalked students at a primary school - PHOTO

16:29 | 25.06.2014
Monster saltwater crocodile that stalked students at a primary school - PHOTO

Monster saltwater crocodile that stalked students at a primary school - PHOTO

A 3.7-metre saltwater crocodile which had a penchant for taunting Australian children every time the bell rang at a school on the very northern tip of Queensland has finally been caught.

'Shorty' the maneater would lurk in the waters near Injinoo Junior Campus in Cape York looking for his next victim during school breaks - but fortunately for the students he was fenced off from the school grounds.Shorty would habitually crawl from the Cowal Creek bed near the Jardine River and peer through the fence. But schoolkids no longer need to be on the look-out at lunchtime after the maneater was captured by wildlife.However his larger friend, a 4.5m saltwater beast, is still on the loose and the rangers have now pegged him as the region's most wanted croc.Ranger Coordinator Warren Strevens said he wasn't 'surprised' when he heard the croc was tempted by the sound of the ringing bell.'I heard the story when we captured it...but it didn't surprise anybody, he knew the habits of the school around bell time,' Mr Strevens told Daily Mail Australia.He believed the main reason behind Shorty's unwanted, yet prompt arrival at bell time would likely have been because he was scouring around for a meal.'That's what you would associate it with.' Caught using a float trap, it took three days to lure Shorty into his cage where a big piece of meat awaited him. The trap was configured so that when the 3.7-metre monster bit down on his dinner, the steel trap's door closed behind him.He was then pulled out of the water and taken to a nearby crocodile breeding facility.Daily Mail Australia has made repeated attempts to contact the school, without success. A Department of Education spokesperson said because of the common occurrence of crocodiles near the school, children have been told to take 'extra care around waterways' and 'exercise crocwise behaviour at all times'.About 100 students attend the school, which is fenced-off from the nearby creek where the crocs predominantly roam. The department has detailed a list of croc savvy tips for the school to skill up on in an effort to avoid becoming victim to the natural born predators. However, they are used as a guide only, and the department has assured Daily Mail Australia that at no times are children at danger at Injinoo Junior Campus when they go about their daily routine.'At no stage are students at the school in danger from crocodiles while they go about their daily routine at the school.' 'The school grounds are separated from the creek by a public walkway and the school fence.'(

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