Nasar the horse sheltered from storms in owner's house - PHOTO

18:45 | 17.02.2014
Nasar the horse sheltered from storms in owner's house - PHOTO

Nasar the horse sheltered from storms in owner's house - PHOTO

Many teenagers' rooms smell like a farmyard, but at least Nasar has an excuse.He is constantly staring at himself in the mirror, goes days without a shower and is noisy in the small hours, because he is a horse.The three-year-old castrated Arabian horse fled inside his owners' thatched house during a storm in December, and now he doesn't want to leave.His owner Stephanie Arndt, from the village of Holt in northern Germany, told Die Welt the horse likes to play the keyboard and drink juice.He took refuge indoors when much of northern Europe including Britain was battered by the hurricane-strength storm Xaver in December, whose fatalities included a lorry driver in West Lothian and a man crushed by a tree near Nottingham.So far he has been neater and tidier than many teenagers.He helps his owner sort out her firewood and the biggest damage he has caused has been a smashed cup, which earned him a stern talking-to.Ms Arndt, a 39-year-old doctor, said: 'He doesn't like rain and wind... He thought it was very appropriate. Sometimes he stands before the mirror and bobs his head.'Nasar usually sleeps outside like a normal horse, preferring to roam indoors during the day, but that does not stop him and Ms Arndt taking the occasional nap.At the age of three, he is the equine equivalent of a human teenager as he is almost at full maturity.So shouldn't he be roaming free in the fields, his owner was asked.Ms Arndt replied he had 'never cared seriously' for his paddock and stable.She added: 'I do not think he's in the house against his will.'(
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