Netanyahu: ‘Horrible nuclear war’ will break out, if Iran isn’t stopped

10:00 | 10.03.2023
Netanyahu: ‘Horrible nuclear war’ will break out, if Iran isn’t stopped

Netanyahu: ‘Horrible nuclear war’ will break out, if Iran isn’t stopped

A "horrible nuclear war” will break out if the world does not stop Tehran from obtaining atomic weapons, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in his first ever address to the Iranian people on March 9 night, reported from The Jerusalem Post.

"If Iran gets a nuclear weapon, this will be a problem all of us will face. It will change the world,” he said in an English-language interview with Washington-based Iran International that was also dubbed into Persian and broadcast in Iran.

A nuclear Iran will cause "the criss-crossing of the Middle East with nuclear trip wires,” as other regimes who understand the danger of a nuclear Iran will rush to arm themselves,” Netanyahu said, using the platform to urge global action in response to Iran’s enrichment of uranium to 84%, which is close to 90% weapons grade.

Netanyahu said he had a message for "those who say, ‘Well, if we take action against Iran, we will face war’ – You will face a war if you don’t, a potentially horrible nuclear war if you don’t.”

"Iran’s nuclear program has hit a danger zone,” he said, adding that Israeli actions had delayed them by a decade, but now the program is pushing forward. The international community must deliver a strong common message to Iran, Netanyahu said.

"We should tell them that if they cross over a nuclear threshold, that is something that we cannot tolerate,” he said. "We have to tell them there is a line you cannot cross, and there is a price to be paid if you do.”
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