“No way back for Ukrainians ...” - Ukrainian journalist for ANN.Az

09:45 | 29.01.2014
“No way back for Ukrainians ...” - Ukrainian journalist for ANN.Az

“No way back for Ukrainians ...” - Ukrainian journalist for ANN.Az

Azerbaijan with great interest observes the developments in Ukraine. The situation in Kiev and provinces of the country is changing daily. At our request, especially for the readers of ANN.az, a Kiev journalist Marina Shmayun told about what is happening in her country. 

Now Ukraine as an independent power lives a very difficult period. I will try to express my point of view based on available information.

War on Grushevsky

Grushevsky Street is one of the central streets of Kiev. There is the Dynamo stadium, and the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada, and the Committees of the Parliament, and very beautiful Mariinsky Park.  Grushevsky begins with the European Square, and that, in turn, goes to Khreschatyk. There is always a lot of people and vehicles, rallies and revolution - all here. And a week ago, on January 20, there started a real war. Euromaydan that for two months languished at the Independence Square just tired to stand, because no results emerged, and decided to act. The result has been a shift action, or rather, the expansion of Euromaydan to Grushevsky. The construction of barricades on it is practically on all the sides. Thus, the center of the city (some key streets) is completely blocked.

January sixteenth Parliament in violation of all possible rules adopted laws that curtail the rights of citizens of Ukraine. So, if people want to express their opinions, even publicly, it is almost a crime. Here are some of the foolish prohibitions: movement of more than five machines in a group without the permission of the police; part in a rally in a mask or helmet; slander in the media (i.e., a journalist becomes dangerous); buying Sim cards only with the preparation of the contract and upon presentation of the passport; activity of news agencies without state registration, contempt of court, etc.

It is clear that each of these items entitles the authorities to closely monitor every citizen. Henceforth the Ukrainians are in sight, and they cannot hide from the watchful eyes of the King. President Viktor Yanukovych rushed to sign these laws. People living in a country mired in corruption, fraud and organized gang criminality were at an impasse.

Victims of Conflict

As of January 27 as a result of clashes between protesters and security forces, law enforcement agencies officially killed 5 people, unofficially - 8. A male 20 years old Sergey Nigoyan got 4 bullets, 26 -year-old Belarusian Mikhail Zhiznevsky also was shot , 50 -year-old Yuri Verbitsky from Lvov was kidnapped by unknown  people, and later found dead in a field near Kiev with a bag on his head and his hands tied on his body - signs of torture. These are the first victims, who raised more people. The violence even increased further. In Kiev, many people were wounded, beaten, maimed, or missing...

Of course, you can hear the opinion that on Euromaydan and Grushevsky gathered extremists, nationalists and aggressors. Some officials believe that there are only homeless, bums and alcoholics. However I can assure you that such statements do not correspond to reality. There are people from different regions, different ages and different social status. They are united by one thing - the desire to live in a normal country, they do not want total control and dictatorship. And the fact that the authorities started killing their citizens suggests that in the case of acquiescence the people will just face such a life.

Impunity and Permissiveness

Activists of Euromaydan found that, besides the Special Forces Berkut (Golden Eagle) standing on Grushevsky, snipers "worked" there. That is, every rally could be under the gun. Nigoyan was unlucky. It is believed that there has not been without Russian "special services." In general, it is said Russia actively participates on Grushevsky and in today's Ukrainian confrontations as a whole. For a long time people have been talking about the fact that Ukraine is between two fires - Russia and the European Union. And it seems to want to join the EU, but it cannot say goodbye to Russia, and Russia will not let it either.

The entire set of the reasons is discussed by all and sundry. The fact is that the attitude to the Ukrainians, which the power demonstrates now, is pushing more of my countrymen towards Europe. Yes, though not immediately, even difficult, even with pitfalls, but still to Europe...

Traveling around the world is the video of the fighters Berkut mocking a man named Michael Gavriliuk: the “law enforcers” stripped him naked in 10-degree frost, joked on him, beat him and photographed at the scene. Later Gavriliuk said that he was beaten and in general he was lucky to have survived. In addition, many times the camera was fixed on people clubbed, fleeing and falling. They included young and old, men and women. In the hospital there are beaten and maimed people.

Also these fighters literally steal the protesters, and then the protesters become missing, and their relatives apply to hospitals and district police departments. Sometimes they find, sometimes they do not...

And someone is found dead with signs of torture. At the same time, police in emphasis does not see evidence of screaming violence. And neither the Berkuts nor just a policeman has ever been punished, despite the fact that his face was filmed by the camera of journalists. Police are "investigating...”

What the law enforcement officers and the like are doing now is called lawlessness. And no one is punished. One former official said that if even one guilty were punished and publicly condemned, then the Berkuts would refuse to execute the criminal orders of power. That is, the men apparently are given a guarantee of immunity and allowed to do this same mess.

Journalists at Gunpoint

Media representatives often have many privileges while covering major events. However, this is not the case. Journalistic badge or vest with the inscription «Press» acts on the Berkuts like a red rag. If you are a journalist, you will automatically become a target number 1.

The fighters break the rules of use of weapons, stun grenades and water cannons, fearing nothing and no one, and shoot and attack journalists. They often break and crash cameras, wounding journalists and operators . Moreover, as noted by media, the fighters have their "funnies": they aim at the eyes, apparently in an attempt to escape from the all-seeing eye of the press, or at the genitals. The press service of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine did not hesitate to declare that life is more important than a beautiful picture, and if a journalist wants to escape unscathed, then he'd better not come out, or at least take off all that evidence about his involvement in the world media. Verily the most dangerous profession in our country!

Ukraine Has Risen

Traditionally, Western Ukraine is more active, and more often in favor of the rights and freedoms of citizens. It is closer to Europe and many people go there to work or just more often visit Europe as guests. Therefore, when a resident of Western Ukraine is asked why he supports Euromaydan, he provides a clear, confident answer and can justify his opinion.

Eastern Ukraine deals with things differently. The people there are much worse informed, the TV channels distort information a lot, and during the clashes on Grushevsky there was a day or two, when the TV of the East in general kept silent.

Often, when people from the East are asked why they support the incumbent, they cannot clearly answer anything, say something vague, looking misty-eyed and rushing memorized phrases.

Yes, we are one country, but with different views. And Viktor Yanukovych for the short time of his presidency did everything possible to divide the country, because the "dark" East is his only support.

Can Ukraine disintegrate? I think not. Maybe there is opposition, difference of the views, and internal conflicts, but I think that Ukraine will remain a united country and will not undergo territorial division.

During the confrontation on Grushevsky civilians captured State Administration of Ukraine, taking power into their own hands and proclaiming the People's Councils. Let it sound illogical, but civilians were put in a position, where nothing could be done just by voting.

And virtually in every region protests are suppressed by police officers and special force with violence. Every day, more and more regions of Ukraine rise, thousands of people take to the streets. And I want to believe that soon the East and the West will be really united.

In the East remained a couple of areas where seemingly there are no rallies against the government. It should be noted that in the East there is particularly tough law enforcement, because the only bastion of hope that is the unenlightened electorate swims under their feet...

"Titushki" and Ultras

I can say with confidence that the people referred to as "Titushki " (guys) who either out of despair, or from lack of intelligence sell their honor and conscience for a little money are arranging provocations at rallies. These are the scapegoats pushed by the power to the barricades. These are the people of Eastern Ukraine, as a rule, less educated and little thinking. At rallies in support of the current government they come in organized groups that are unsightly and often dressed in dark sport clothes. In new stores they pay in new banknotes as if only out of the machine. By the way, recently arriving in Kiev to support the president, "Titushki" stood shivering with cold in Mariinsky Park, and then began to rally because they had not been paid the promised pennies. "Titushki" is a pathetic phenomenon degrading the whole Ukraine.

Ultras are football fans. They are considered aggressors (it is a known fact that they behave like fans at football matches). In Ukraine, they usually remain on the sidelines during rallies. Today, however, seeing the unrest in the capital and regions, ultras express their support for the protesters. That is, they come to defend "maydan people" from law enforcement agencies.

Spineless Opposition

The troika of the seemingly leaders of Euromaydan ( Vitali Klitschko, Arsen Yatsenyuk and Oleg Tyagnybok) has actually turned a worthless copy of what it should have been. When they did the so-called negotiations between the government and the opposition, they showed that they did not know the answer to the question: "What next?"

The President proposed Yatsenyuk the post of Prime Minister and Klitschko was promised the chair of Deputy Prime Minister for Humanitarian Affairs. At the same time, Tyagnybok was left with nothing. This, in turn, has led some experts to say that in such a case Tyagnybok will become main rival to Yanukovych in the presidential election.

These opinions are based on the probable failure of Yatsenyuk and Klitschko on the new posts as the country is in deep crisis and that they would be to blame for bearing this burden on their shoulders. Looks like a trap, is not it? If the two opposition heads agree to the proposal, the President promises to dismiss the Cabinet, as well as to return to the 2004 Constitution and revise the laws passed on January 16. Obviously, the President said such offers in compromise. But the reaction of the people on the Independence and Grushevksy is clear - they do not want this and require a complete restart of power, including the resignation of the President himself. In the new circumstances, even if the opposition comes to power, however, Yanukovich and many of his supporters will remain in the field.

January 28, an extraordinary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada is scheduled. We must understand that the fate of the country will become clear together with priorities and goals of the President and the so-called opposition. Protester people do not agree with the proposal by Yanukovich, in the case of agreement between the President and the opposition, the people will continue to assault, it is possible that they will become more aggressive. The troika of the opposition leaders, sensing the mood of the protesters decided not to rush to answer. They put forward their demands to the authorities, such as the release of the arrested activists. But what are these requirements, once completely innocent people have been arrested? The President must give the command to release all - and is this the concession?

Therefore, taking into account all the above, is unclear what will happen to the country in the event of the resignation of the President and the government, because there is no action plan and the leaders have significantly lowered their ratings by their own clumsy attempts to "lead the people forward." It is worth noting that another potential leader Peter Poroshenko repeatedly visits the offices of European officials and often appears on the stage of Euromaydan. He is a pro-European politician and successful businessman (the world regales delicious chocolates from the Kiev factory Roshen), at one time was the Foreign Minister, later head of the Ministry of Economy. However, the ambitions of Poroshenko are yet unclear, and he is pretty reserved and modest in comparison with the opposition troika.

And a Little Bit of Emotion...

There are a lot of emotions. And the people on the barricades live every day as the last. Authoritative Ukrainian journalists crying out for help, write articles and translate them into different languages to convey the feelings of the Ukrainian people to the international community.

Why are Europe and the U.S. limited to warnings and requests - I personally do not understand, although the Ukrainian authorities have crossed all the  borders. The U.S. banned the entry of two deputies from the Party of Regions, and that is all at the moment. While violence continues to Ukrainians, and every morning we wake up and find out about new victims and injured activists.

I think about the cynicism of the President's statements that the highest value is a human life. Yanukovich proves every day (despite negotiations with representatives of the opposition) that the lives of his countrymen are nothing to him. He grabbed so much power that he is ready to kill and maim dissent. I am proud of my fellow countrymen, as they, despite threats and resistance, storm the premises and seize administrations and ministries. And in me rises pride of these warlike men and these fearless women. They want to live in a free country where the President, ministers, deputies and law enforcement officers are for the benefit of the people.

Now, Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov and Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko protect the monsters from Berkut, justify them and are proud of them. And also hatred is boiling in me (I agree, the feeling is bad and unnecessary) when I am watching how a "berkut ' is hitting an old woman on the face, though she is standing in front of him on her knees, while Berkuts are mocking the real patriots, feeling impunity and revealing their brutal nature.

A web Igor Pasko wrote the truth: "Worldwide, the extremists attack shops and the Ukrainian extremists catch those who trash shops. Throughout the world, the police guard the public from football fans, but in Ukraine fans protect the public from the police. Throughout the world, the police are healthy guys, but in Ukraine police are beaten by pensioners and freshmen. Worldwide extremists burn cars and in Ukraine people burn the cars of extremists. Worldwide the Nazis are for Nazism, while in Ukraine they are for European Integration. "

The power requires the implementation of laws, and it itself violates all conceivable laws. Now we all understand – there is no turning back otherwise we will have a second North Korea. The Ukrainian people do not like that and they will gain their freedom.

Marina Shmayun (Kiev), especially for ANN.Az


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