Public awareness campaign commemorates 22nd anniversary of Khojaly

12:01 | 20.02.2014
Public awareness campaign commemorates 22nd anniversary of Khojaly

Public awareness campaign commemorates 22nd anniversary of Khojaly

(U.S. Newswire) -- A national public awareness campaign by the Azerbaijan America Alliance continues to educate Americans about the massacre of 613 innocent Azeri civilians by Armenian and Russian soldiers 22 years ago in the village of Khojaly,located in the western Azerbaijani region of Nagorno- Karabakh.

On February 26, 1992, in the course of 24 hours, 444 mostly elderly men, 106 women and 63 children were brutally killed.

The multimedia campaign's biggest impact will be felt in Washington, D.C., and New York City, where hundreds of posters with the headline "KHOJALY...A Human Tragedy Against Azerbaijan" will be placed in more than 50 stations including internationally famous Grand Central, 5th Avenue and Times Square in New York City and L'Enfant Plaza, Federal Triangle and Farragut North in the nation's capital. Posters will also be present at bus stops, on buses, and on stationary billboards. Vehicles will project a video at night on the sides of buildings. The National Mall and Union Station in Washington and Times Square and the United Nations in New York are several of the many heavily trafficked and iconic locations targeted by the campaign.

The public awareness campaign will last for one month and be seen by millions of Americans and visitors.

Social media will see postings and discussions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. These videos, photos, press releases, articles, op-eds, event information and links to the social media components of the campaign can be found at the Azerbaijan America Alliance website:

President Obama, the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Congress and the American public are being asked to learn more about the Khojaly tragedy and Azerbaijan - a friend and ally of the U.S. located in a very challenging and geo-politically important part of the world.

The Azerbaijan America Alliance is a non-partisan, non-profit organization providing critical information about the people, culture, society, industry, history and current events of the Azeri people. Its mission is to foster an atmosphere of mutual understanding and respect between the peoples of America and Azerbaijan. Through academic discussion, cultural programming and political discourse, the Alliance aims to be the premier organization dedicated to promoting a lasting partnership between the two countries.


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