Azerbaijani weather forecast for March 22
![Azerbaijani weather forecast for March 22 Azerbaijani weather forecast for March 22](
The weather forecast in Azerbaijan for March 22 has been made public.
Reported from the data of the National Hydrometeorological Service that partly cloudy weather, mostly without precipitation, is expected in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula tomorrow.
Precipitation is likely at night and in the evening in places on the peninsula. The southeast wind will be replaced by a gusty northwest wind in the afternoon.
The air temperature will be 1-3°C at night, up to 5-7°C in the daytime, in Baku 1-3°C at night, up to 5-7°C in the daytime. Atmospheric pressure will rise from 770 mm Hg to 775 mm Hg. Relative humidity will be 60-70%.
In the regions of Azerbaijan, there are occasional rainfalls, snow, and fog in places. The west wind will intensify. The air temperature at night is from 1° frost to 4° warm, in the daytime 7-10° warm, in the mountains at night 7-12° frost, in the highlands up to 17° frost, in the daytime 3-7° frost.
Reported from the data of the National Hydrometeorological Service that partly cloudy weather, mostly without precipitation, is expected in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula tomorrow.
Precipitation is likely at night and in the evening in places on the peninsula. The southeast wind will be replaced by a gusty northwest wind in the afternoon.
The air temperature will be 1-3°C at night, up to 5-7°C in the daytime, in Baku 1-3°C at night, up to 5-7°C in the daytime. Atmospheric pressure will rise from 770 mm Hg to 775 mm Hg. Relative humidity will be 60-70%.
In the regions of Azerbaijan, there are occasional rainfalls, snow, and fog in places. The west wind will intensify. The air temperature at night is from 1° frost to 4° warm, in the daytime 7-10° warm, in the mountains at night 7-12° frost, in the highlands up to 17° frost, in the daytime 3-7° frost.
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