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Red Hearts Foundation: Four Years of Charity

Red Hearts Foundation: Four Years of Charity
18.12.2024 19:14
Celebrating four years since its official establishment, the Red Hearts Foundation has left its mark on every region of Azerbaijan through charitable initiatives, providing financial and moral support to thousands and playing a vital role in cultivating a culture of philanthropy in the country. To mark this milestone, the Foundation gathered its friends and partners at its now traditional event, "You Are the Heart” held yesterday.

The event was attended by representatives of Kapital Bank, donors, partners, employees, and volunteers. The opening speech was delivered by the Foundation's president, Yusif Poladov, who presented the Foundation's 2024 report focusing on the themes of "Community,”
"Environment,” and "Animal Protection.” The report highlighted numerous initiatives, including support for vulnerable groups, financial and moral aid for those in need, events at orphanages and shelters, aid campaigns for low-income families, educational scholarship programs, health awareness projects, mass tree-planting activities in the regions, coastal cleanup campaigns, and support for animal shelters. The report also included statistical data, revealing that in 2024, a total of 1 870 000 AZN was donated by 4 505 donors, enabling 196 volunteers to support 4 019 beneficiaries.

During the event, Fargana Mammadova, Board member, Chief Human Capital and Organizational Development Officer, spoke about the role of the Red Hearts Foundation in Kapital Bank’s corporate social responsibility strategy. She remarked, "The idea for the Red Hearts Foundation was born from the initiative of our employees. Although four years may not be a very long time, the Foundation has grown significantly, gathered a strong volunteer base, and carried out invaluable work for our community. It has been a determined and proud journey. I would like to extend my gratitude to all our volunteers and benevolent supporters who have joined us on this path.”

Gunay Massimova, Member of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, also highlighted the role of volunteers in the Foundation's achievements and expressed her gratitude to them.

As part of the event, companies that made significant contributions to the Foundation's social projects were honored with the newly established "Red Hearts Award.” The award recipients included "PASHA Life,” "PASHA Bank,” "PASHA Investments,” "PashaPay,” "PASHA Technology,” and "PMD Group.” Additionally, certificates of appreciation were presented to volunteers who actively supported the Foundation’s initiatives and branch managers of Kapital Bank who distinguished themselves through their efforts. 

"Red Hearts” was founded in December 2019 at the initiative of Kapital Bank employees. The organization, which operates as a foundation from 2020, mainly contributes to the formation of a culture of philanthropy in our country. Addressing sensitive and important issues such as environmental protection, ecological balance restoration, education, training, and enlightenment, "Red Hearts" engages in social initiatives. By visiting https://redhearts.az you can get acquainted with Fund’s activities and support by making a donation.

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