Russia delivers Mi-35M military choppers to Azerbaijan

17:00 | 26.11.2013
Russia delivers Mi-35M military choppers to Azerbaijan

Russia delivers Mi-35M military choppers to Azerbaijan

Russia has delivereda “significant” part of Mi-35M helicopter gunships ordered by Azerbaijan threeyears ago, APA reported, citing an official at Rosoboroneksport, the Russian agencyfor arms exports.

Azerbaijanordered a total of 24 Mi-35M helicopter gunships, as well as 60 Mi-17 military cargochoppers in 2010.

More aircraftwill soon be delivered to Azerbaijan, the Rosoboroneksport official said, adding, “Azerbaijanis one of our biggest customers in the region."

The newgeneration Mi-35M is an upgraded version of Mi-24 helicopter gunship. Theaircraft is designed to destroy enemy armored vehicles, support ground unitswith fire, deliver troops, evacuate the wounded and transport cargo.


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