Russian Foreign Ministry: Moscow welcomes normalization of relations between Baku and Tehran

17:30 | 23.05.2024
Russian Foreign Ministry: Moscow welcomes normalization of relations between Baku and Tehran

Russian Foreign Ministry: Moscow welcomes normalization of relations between Baku and Tehran

Moscow welcomes the normalization of relations between Baku and Tehran, the Russian Foreign Ministry SpokespersonMaria Zakharova said at a briefing.

According to her, improving relations between the countries will have a positive effect on the situation in the South Caucasus and Caspian Sea region.

"Of course, we see great potential in the development of regional projects between the countries of the South Caucasus and their neighbors. This logic, in particular, is embedded in our work to expand the international North-South transport corridor," she said.

According to her, Moscow is committed to continuing close cooperation with Baku and Tehran, including within the framework of the Russia-Azerbaijan-Iran dialogue format, as well as through the 3+3 consultative regional platform.

"Russia, Iran, Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Armenia, as well as Georgia are convinced that regional players should themselves seek solutions to existing challenges and problems without outside interference," Zakharova emphasized.
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