Seismic situation in Azerbaijan "calm", official says

17:30 | 11.02.2014
Seismic situation in Azerbaijan "calm", official says

Seismic situation in Azerbaijan "calm", official says

The seismic situation in Azerbaijan after yesterday's earthquake is calm, said Qurban Yetirmishli, head of the Republican Seismological Center.

He said no aftershocks were observed after the quake measuring 5.7 magnitude on the Richter scale.

The earthquake occurred at a depth of 55 km in central Hajigabul District. No causalities or damage have been reported.

Yetirmishli said the situation is stable at the moment.

Telman Aliyev, head of the Institute of Cybernetics at the National Academy of Sciences, said: "We expected some earthquakes in Zakatala and Ismayilli districts. However, we could not say specifically where and how strong they will be."


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