Senate advances Ukraine aid bill despite Trump opposition

12:00 | 12.02.2024
Senate advances Ukraine aid bill despite Trump opposition

Senate advances Ukraine aid bill despite Trump opposition

A narrowly divided US Senate moved closer to passing a $95.34 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan on Sunday, showing undiminished bipartisanship despite opposition from Republican hardliners and Donald Trump, reported from Reuters.

The Democratic-led Senate voted 67-27 in a rare Sunday session to clear the latest procedural hurdle and moved the foreign aid measure toward an ultimate vote on passage in the coming days.

But Senate passage would send the bill on to the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, where it faces an uncertain future.

Eighteen Republicans backed the legislation after Trump, the dominant Republican White House candidate, criticized the bill on social media by saying that foreign aid should take the form of a loan. Trump also sparked exasperation at home and abroad by saying he would encourage aggression against NATO allies who do not pay their dues to the alliance.

The legislation includes $61 billion for Ukraine, $14 billion for Israel in its war against Hamas, and $4.83 billion to support partners in the Indo-Pacific, including Taiwan, and deter aggression by China.

It also would provide $9.15 billion in humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza, the West Bank, Ukraine, and other conflict zones around the globe.
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