Skateboarding cat who lives life in the fast lane - PHOTO

23:30 | 23.01.2014
Skateboarding cat who lives life in the fast lane - PHOTO

Skateboarding cat who lives life in the fast lane - PHOTO

If you’re going to have nine lives, you can be a little bit reckless with at least one of them.

Didga the cat is living life in the fast lane on board his motorised skateboard Ollie.Stunning spectators, he cruised through the Australian coastal town of Coolongatta.He then jumped off the board and onto fences and park benches before parading his skating skills. Didga launched himself on a passer-by, catching him unawares.He abandoned all fear as he leaped over a Rottweiler, landing coolly on his board before riding home.Youtube user Craig Weaver commented on the viral video saying: 'He's pretty daring, tricking over a Rottweiler! (I still think he's a pussy though).'Cat trainer and YouTube user CatManToo captured this fearless feline and posted the video online.The video has received over 307,000 hits since going live.CatManToo said the entire filming and editing process took nearly a year and a half to complete.Most viewers didn’t mind that the video was edited and instead praised CatManToo for training his cat in the art of extreme skateboarding.The mind-blowing video has astounded people globally.Youtube User, Mr.Flip the Cat, called it 'simply pawesome!'(

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