The girl, who married life imprisonment ... - PHOTOS

09:20 | 14.11.2013
The girl, who married life imprisonment ... - PHOTOS

The girl, who married life imprisonment ... - PHOTOS

We present our story of Leila Leysan, published online by of a girl who married a life sentence. What impelled her to take this step ? This is the story....:Let you leave me! Do you hear,I beg: let you go.Why am I so you need,After all, in me foreverYou'll never manage to findA dear friend or a husband...These lines written in despair belong to Sergey Strelyayev, a man condemned to a life sentence for a double murder ...The case of almost eleven years ago appeared again and did not leave anyone, who learned about it, indifferent: October 31, Gobustan Prison Service of the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan held the wedding of Sergey Strelyayev and Lyudmila Aleinikova.The touching story of their love, and the fact that Sergey and Lyudmila decided to take this seemingly reckless step - to link their fate with legal ties, caused a lot of controversy among users of social networks.Information, including controversial one, attracted many users. Readers have turned to us to know the details of the case. After finding contacts with Sergey's mother, Anna Strelyayeva, we agreed with her ​​about a meeting.The fact that Lyudmila and Sergey fell in love at first was not known by anyone."Two years ago, Milana (so the relatives call the girl - author) found me and asked to familiarize her with the work by Sergey. She came across one of the books and , intrigued , she began to look for an opportunity to read the others," says A.Strelyaeva .In this communication with the mother of Sergey Milana has not ended. From time to time, they called each other to exchange news , discuss poetry , and just talk about business."And , of course , I invited Milana for the presentation of the fourth book by Seryozhenka. So they met for the first time," says A.Strelyayeva.Then, two years ago, Ludmila (Milana) Aleinikova barely was 16 years old . She and Sergey Strelyaev had a correspondence. The girl visited him at every opportunity, the meeting was short-lived and passed in front of other people, but it did not become a barrier to feelings that arose between the young people ."Many people are wondering how it all came together in this way. Even my sister called me and said: ' Anna, what are you doing, she is a very young girl." Yes, how could I prevent this, if there is such a sincere love between them?" Sergey's mother says.We sit in a small room at the table with laid scissors , pencils , some more tailoring accessories. Anna Strelyayeva works an engineer at one of the shoe enterprises of Azerbaijan. All the free time she goes to work and earns extra money."Books by Sergey I was making at my own expense. In fact, to pay for their printing I spent a few years of my work. Many people are surprised at how well it turned out that I did not fall into a depression. And I have no time for depression, I have a lot to do," says with a smile A. Strelyayeva.We talk and wait for Milana, who should come home any minute. A day before Anna Strelyayeva went to meet the girl from the Gobustan prison, where the couple spent three days together."When I went for Milanochka, I kept thinking, I wondered with what face she will come from there. She came out smiling, so happy. So I have no doubt that I did the right thing by supporting the children," continues the story A. Strelyayeva.Recently got married and moved to another house the second son of Anna, Dmitry. And now she treats Milana as her own daughter ...Perfectly 11 years ago, a double murder caused strong repercussions. The Strelyayaev case was covered by the mainstream media in Azerbaijan, but in spite of this, we could not find anything in the archives."The murder took place in the 28th Police Station area of the Yasamal district. Sergey Strelyayev was in the apartment near the two murdered women. He picked up the newspaper Birzha (Exchange) and called them to advertise the sale of furniture from the house of the dead. According to the witness, who came by email, Sergey Strelyayev made ​​an attempt at him too," says Ramella Ibragimhalilova , a journalist who covered the incident in the newspaper Echo 11 years ago.The head of Public Relations of the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice, Justice Colonel Mehman Sadikhov did not focus on the details of the crime."In the force entered the court's decision. I am not authorized to comment on it," said M. Sadikhov."My son lived next door to the dead women. These were our closest friends - Lydia Konstantinovna and her daughter Sevil. Sergey came to them occasionally to make a call. That day they had some visitors and they asked Sergey to come back later. He left, and in the period of time the murder was committed, he was meeting with a professor lady for business. When he returned, he found them dead," says A. Strelyayeva.But, she said, the court did not call the defense witness who could confirm the alibi of Sergey.Then, 11 years ago, Anna and her son Dmitry and Sergey's friends tried to conduct their own investigation. On the advice of a lawyer they interviewed the neighbors, but, strangely enough, they had heard nothing. The Strelyaevs have another versions, for example, the dead women, being proprietors of a three-room apartment, rented it sometimes to others for a day. And, according to Sergey's mother, among the "guests" there could be questionable people."By the way, the son of Lydia Konstantinovna said that he never would believe that Sergey is guilty of murdering his mother and sister," says A. Strelyayeva."The apartment of the victims was not robbed. Even the savings were found intact in a drawer," says A. Strelyayeva.Sergey Strelyayev himself claims he's innocent. He repeatedly sent requests for review of his case, but so far no results have been achieved."I was told that I could achieve something, if we find the real killer, who appears with a confession. And it's, you know, impossible," says A. Strelyayeva.At this point, we hear the doorbell - Ludmila Aleinikova appears in the apartment that has become her home now. Her radiant smile seems to illuminate the entire room.- Are you happy? - I ask, unable to resist , the first question that came to my mind.- Yes! Do you not see it? - she smiles.Milana is 18 years old. She is a sophomore at the Baku branch of Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics."I was always fond of poetry. I can quote the classics - anyone. When I came across the book by Sergey, his poems impressed me. I wanted to read the other books. I found the number of Anna Alekseevna and we met. Then I went to the presentation to see Sergey. We started writing letters to each other," says Milana."And here you are,My heart desiring you,From now on youWill always live in it. And your name so gentle - MilanaWill burn unfading fire in me."These and many other lines Sergey dedicated to her, now his wife.Friends and acquaintances of Ludmila reacted to the news in different ways. But for the closest it was not a revelation. The fact that between them there was love, friends learned much earlier.Some people think that I made a terrible, stupid thing to do. Someone said that this was a show "Some people think that I made ​​a terrible, stupid thing to do. Someone said that this was a show, others suggest that I'm crazy. That's because in the pursuit of a career and money, people have forgotten about sincere feelings," said the girl.She firmly believes that Sergey will be released from prison. And she is willing to wait for him all her life."Thoughts are material. I believe that everything must be fine. Despite all the difficulties, Sergey is happy as I am. Such a move can be only understood by a person who loves and who is loved. For love has no boundaries, distance or time, this is not so important. I wish everyone to experience the feeling that I feel," says L. Aleinikova.Sergey Strelyayev was born March 13, 1979 in the village of Slavyanka in the Gadabay region of Azerbaijan. He graduated from high school in 1996 and joined the faculty of political science at the Baku Institute of Political and Social Administration (now the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Azerbaijan Republic). There he was a three-year group leader and member of the management committee of the students. In 2000 he took a leave of absence, and he served in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan. December 30, 2002 by the decision of the Court of Grave Crimes he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Over the years spent "behind the bars", Sergey became a poet and has published five collections of poems. Contrary to the assertion of many media, Strelyayev is not a member of the Writers' Union of Azerbaijan.ANN.Az
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