The luckiest zebra you'll see today - PHOTO+VIDEO

18:04 | 27.02.2014
The luckiest zebra you'll see today - PHOTO+VIDEO

The luckiest zebra you'll see today - PHOTO+VIDEO

Oblivious to what's going on, a zebra wanders across an African river and straight in to a waiting pride of lions.

Incredible video footage has emerged showing the moment a zebra escapes a lion ambush after happily trotting into their den, in the Maasai Mara National Reserve in the southwest of Kenya.The pride of lions waits and watches for what looks to be an easy meal as the zebra unwittingly crosses the river in a direct path to the big cats.Hiding behind tall grass, the lions crouch as the lone zebra makes its way through the shallow water.The lions get ready to pounce on their convenient lunch as the zebra reaches the bank of the river, just metres away from them.In a crucial life-or-death moment, the zebra sees the lion in the nick of time and makes a hasty getaway towards the other side of the river.Shot on safari in the famous Kenyan reserve, the cameraman can be heard excitedly talking to fellow travelers about the scene that unfolds and the probable kill they expect to witness.Audible sighs of relief can be heard on the clip as the zebra manages to escape safely.(

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