In 2013, the population of Azerbaijan increased by 120.600, or 1.3 %, and by 2014, totaled 9,477,100 people, reads the State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan.
The population of the country increased due to natural growth. Along with this, there is an increase in migration - 1.8% of total population growth.
The population density in the country was 109 people per one square meter; 53.2 % of the population lives in cities; 49.7 % are men, and 50.3 % are women.
The last year’s the number of births exceeded the number of deaths per 118,300 people. In 2013 172.600 children were born. For 1,000 people, 18.6 bore children; 53.6 % of the births were male, 46.4 % were girls; 2270 people were twins, and 42 - triplets.
The number of deaths per 1000, compared with 2012, decreased from 6,000 to 5,800.
In 2013, there were 86.900 marriages, and divorces recorded 11.700. The number of marriages per 1,000 people increased from 8.6 to 9.3; divorces 1.2 to 1.6.
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Immigration Service, 3,100 people arrived in the country for permanent residence, and 0.800 left.
The number of guests which arrived for permanent residence, compared to 2012, increased by 957 people, or 44.1 percent.