This 111-year-old New Yorker is oldest man in world

Alexander Imich, from New York’s Upper West Side, has reached the grand old age of 111.The supercentenarian (someone older than 110) became the oldest man in the world when Arturo Licata of Italy died on April 24, just one week before his 112th birthday.Mr Imich was born on February 4, 1903 – the year the first Teddy Bear went on sale in America and the Wright brothers took to the skies in the first aeroplane.He was born in Poland and eventually became a chemistry professor. He emigrated to the U.S in 1951 with his wife, Wela, settling at first in Waterbury, Connecticut.He moved to New York when she passed away in 1986.Mr Imich thinks his longevity can be partly explained by his sensible diet – he has never drunk alcohol and has always eaten chicken and fish regularly.He also maintained an active lifestyle when he was younger, being a keen gymnast and swimmer.He added that a lack of children may have helped, too.There are currently 66 women older than Mr Imich, according to the Gerontology Research Group in California.The oldest person in the world is Misao Okawa from Japan, who is five years older than Mr Imich.(