Toddler seen 'smoking marijuana' - PHOTO+VIDEO

22:29 | 14.04.2014
Toddler seen 'smoking marijuana' - PHOTO+VIDEO

Toddler seen 'smoking marijuana' - PHOTO+VIDEO

A video that appears to show a toddler smoking marijuana has been uploaded to Vine, igniting a firestorm of controversy.

The video, uploaded by Vine user Chief Smokes, shows an unidentified toddler allegedly smoking a joint of marijuana while wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt and sitting on a toilet.An adult's hands also seemingly appear in the video, cupping a hand around the 'joint.' As the child exhales, voices are heard laughing.'Wow f***** up parents arents smh #kids #smokingweed #marijuana #badparenting #today #crazy #vinefame #smh #wow,' the video's caption reads.The video has so far been retweeted over 39,000 times and revined over 6,800 times.A 'hunt' began when user NikoWavy copied the Vine and uploaded it to his own profile, The Daily Dot reports. NikoWavy's upload, which is now deleted from the website, reportedly read 'I'm not black no more.....Y'all n***** are something else smh.'Users reportedly mistook NikoWavy as responsible for the video's content and sent in a wave of angry comments.'This is disgusting,' one wrote. 'This is not even funny,' another reportedly said.NikoWavy soon removed the post - but not without clarifying that he wasn't the video's original uploader nor involved in its production, the Daily Dot notes. 'How can you not read my caption an [sic] know I didn't film that video?' he wrote. NikoWavy later wrote on Twitter that he doesn't even smoke marijuana. 'I don't even smoke weed... TF I look like giving a baby some to smoke? Y'all believe whatever y'all see on the internet... That's not safe,' he said. Meanwhile, a Reddit user claimed to have contacted child protective services over the video's content, The Daily Dot points out. 'After watching this I immediately downloaded the video, took screenshots and reported it to CPS in California as it is where the user is from. This is no environment for a child to be in. He needs a good parent not someone to hurt him or bring him down,' user skirdoorider21 wrote. The child's parents have not yet been identified.(

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