TV for Whom? ..

09:59 | 05.12.2013
TV for Whom? ..

TV for Whom? ..

Hamid Hamidov

Imagine that one day you suddenly find out that the Azerbaijani television no longer exists. Well, there is not any of our channels any longer. They have all been closed suddenly.

Your reaction:

1. Wow! Finally!

2 . Sorry ...

3 . Don't care...

Percentage of the first, the second and the third is not so important . While I am personally convinced that the first will be more than the third and the third will be more than the second.

But no one would say: " You are there quite stunned or something, people have left without a national TV? ". No one will decide to take to the streets, or at least express outrage and gather like-minded people in a social network.

None of this would be. Because I think there is not a single person, who would be really delighted by the domestic TV. There is no one, who would at least partially be pleased with it.

I do not claim that nobody watches our TV. They watch. And they compare.

They compare and they watch. But they watch... Turkish or Russian channels. Periodically, of course, they can switch to the domestic TV and watch one or another show, depending on the interests. And no more...

Our native TV channels are no longer the main informants, as the Internet resources, including social networks, have won the competition. And if the TV channels in the West, or in the same RF try to compete with the Internet even if not in the efficiency and speed of delivery of information to the viewer, but at least in interesting, often exclusive reports, interviews, intelligence, etc., their Azerbaijani counterparts, alas, cannot boast with that.

They are clumsy, dull, monotonous and, well so be honest, wildly primitive.

Our native TV channels are no longer interesting to the majority of domestic viewers as entertaing ones. These TV channels no longer entertain. They try. And they might catch someone. But in general ... they are unable...

At one point big uncles and aunts had a desire to show what the TV should be today. And they created... «AzTV - Medeniyyet" TV, which is another visual aid titled "What a modern TV channel should not be like."

The raison d'être of our national television is frankly incomprehensible...

More than two seconds cannot be spent on observing the creepy dark picture on the news channel ANS, most primitive cutscenes on the channel Space, musical "postcards" with the views of nighttime Baku on AzTV or programs like "Ay, Zaur", at the mere sight of which I feel ashamed that I am of one blood with the creators, leaders, participants and spectators of this show...

We all know a huge amount of people around us who are no longer watching national TV . Not because they do not like TV in general or are gone headlong into the Internet. They do not watch it because there's nothing to see.

Yes, our television has a certain amount of real professionals - professionals, who in the present "basement" circumstances of our TV are trying to do something to achieve a modern, interesting and watchable level. I know many of them and know the conditions in which they work. They cannot do what they could and what they would like to... because they do not "order the music".

I honestly do not understand entrepreneurs who pay big money for television advertising. An impressive share of the money goes into the pockets of every possible intermediaries - advertising agencies, people in charge of advertising on the channels themselves, etc.... This money does not work as it should have done and does not bring the awaited and desired "return" to the entrepreneurs...

Imagine that one day you suddenly find out that the Azerbaijani television does not exist anymore. Personally, I can imagine that. For me it does not exist - for already a long time...


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