Ukraine: Gunmen seize Crimea government buildings

15:16 | 27.02.2014
Ukraine: Gunmen seize Crimea government buildings

Ukraine: Gunmen seize Crimea government buildings

Ukraine's security forces have been put on alert after government buildings in the Russian-majority Crimea region were seized by armed men.

The Russian flag had been raised over both buildings in the capital, Simferopol.The local government has said it is negotiating with the gunmen.The seizure of the buildings comes a day after confrontations between pro-Russian separatists and supporters of Ukraine's new leaders.The incident is another illustration of tensions in the region, the BBC's Mark Lowen reports from Crimea.On Wednesday Simferopol saw clashes erupt between Ukrainians who support the change of government and pro-Russians.Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said the area in Simferopol had been cordoned off by police to prevent "bloodshed" and said the seizure of the buildings was the work of "provocateurs"."Measures have been taken to counter extremist actions and not allow the situation to escalate into an armed confrontation in the centre of the city," he said in a statement on his Facebook page.The men have not yet made any demands or issued any statements but did put up a sign saying "Crimea is Russia.".AP reported that they threw a flash grenade in response to a journalist's questions.(BBC)ANN.Az

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