Ukrainian president says it is 'war' between his country and Russia - PHOTO

09:32 | 15.04.2014
Ukrainian president says it is 'war' between his country and Russia - PHOTO

Ukrainian president says it is 'war' between his country and Russia - PHOTO

Russia is ‘waging a bloody war’ against Ukraine by sowing disorder in the troubled eastern European nation, Kiev’s acting president said yesterday.Oleksandr Turchynov vowed to use the Ukrainian army to launch a ‘full-scale anti-terrorist operation’ against pro-Russian militias, as the volatile region lurched closer to a full-scale civil war.His threat to mobilise Ukraine’s troops came after a state security officer was killed and five others wounded during a fierce gun battle with camouflaged rebels in Sloviansk as the town’s police station was seized by militiamen. A rebel was also killed.Nato sources said Russian forces were suspected of orchestrating and carrying out assaults on state buildings and police stations in as many as seven cities in the south-east of Ukraine, including the major industrial hub of Donetsk. Moscow denies the charges. The country's interior minister Arsen Avakov said a security service officer was killed near Slovyansk, east Ukraine, in gun fire today and five others were wounded. The Russian news agency RIA reported one pro-Moscow activist was killed and two others were injured. It is the first reported gun battle in the area  - where armed men loyal to Moscow have seized a number of law enforcement buildings, including a police station, in recent days.Now, Ukraine's authorities have said they plan to launch a 'full-scale anti-terrorist operation' against pro-Russian forces. A deadline for separatist militants to give up their weapons and leave buildings they have occupied has been set by the country for 6.00 GMT tomorrow.The UN Security Council is holding an emergency meeting on the Ukraine crisis this evening at 8pm New York time (00.00 GMT).'The Council will meet at 8 at Russia's request,' a council diplomat said. Another said negotiations were under way on Ukraine's participation.Acting president Oleksander Turchinov said in a televised address today Russia was waging a war against Ukraine by sowing disorder in the east of the country.He said: 'The blood of Ukrainian heroes has been shed in a war which the Russian Federation is waging against Ukraine. The aggressor has not stopped and is continuing to sow disorder in the east of the country'The National Security and Defence Council has decided to launch a full-scale anti-terrorist operation involving the armed forces of Ukraine,' he declared.'We will not allow Russia to repeat the Crimean scenario in the eastern regions of the country.'Troops from Ukraine were seen dropping in to the region in helicopters this afternoon.Russia's Foreign Ministry responded by saying Ukraine plans to mobilise an army to put down the rebellion was a 'criminal order'.The ministry said the West should bring its allies in Ukraine's government under control. It also said the country would put an urgent discussion of the situation in eastern Ukraine on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council.The statement said: 'The situation in southeastern Ukraine is taking on an extremely dangerous character. The authorities in Kiev, who put themselves in power as a result of a coup d'etat, have set a course to use force to put down popular protests.'We decisively condemn attempts to use brute force against protesters and activists ... We are particularly indignant about the criminal order of (Ukrainian Acting President Oleksander Turchinov) to use the army to put down protest.'NATO described the appearance in eastern Ukraine of men with specialised Russian weapons and identical uniforms without insignia as a 'grave development'.Pictures of violence throughout the eastern region of Ukraine emerged today. In one, a pro-Russian mob can be seen attacking a Ukrainian protestor with batons until police are forced to step in.Earlier today, interior minister Arsen Avakov said the men who seized the buildings in Slovyansk had opened fire on Ukrainian special forces sent to the city. He called on residents to remain calm and stay at home.An Associated Press reporter found a bullet-ridden SUV on the side of the road and a pool of blood on the passenger seat where the gunbattle was supposed to have taken place.A video reportedly taken in the aftermath of the attack, shows numerous cars with bullet holes in.It then pans to a man lying on the ground. A voice, speaking in Russian, is heard to say: 'Do you have a first aid Kit? Where did the bullet hit, where is the pain?' The wounded man answers: 'It hit my chest.'The video then shows a man in uniform slumped against a car with blood running down his front. An assault rifle lies on the floor next to him.A voice is then heard to say: 'That guy was shot.'Vladimir Kolodchenko, a lawmaker from the area who witnessed the attack, said a car with four gunmen pulled up on the road in a wooden area outside Slovyansk and open fire on Ukrainian soldiers who were standing beside their vehicles.Both attackers and the Ukrainian servicemen left soon after the shooting.(
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