US assistance to Azerbaijan exceed $1 billion

16:00 | 25.11.2015
US assistance to Azerbaijan exceed $1 billion

US assistance to Azerbaijan exceed $1 billion

The US has so far provided assistance to Azerbaijan worth $1.1 billion, Alina Romanowski, an official of the US Department of State, said in Baku.

US aid to Azerbaijan in the form of goods, clothes and food is estimated at $220 million, Romanowski said.

The country has allocated $30 million to Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA) since 1992.

These funds have helped to detect and defuse around 500,000 mines and unexploded ordnance, she added.

The US assistance to Azerbaijan aims to help the government achieve its goals, diversity the economy and develop the private sector.

The activities of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in the sphere of agriculture in Azerbaijan have led to progress: pomegranate production has increased by 57 percent, while output in other spheres has grown by 12 percent, she said.

Moreover, Azerbaijan received assistance in the sphere of democratic development and human rights, the US diplomat said, adding that 97 community centers have been created as part of this assistance.

These centers have implemented 39 projects aimed at building relations between the residents and local authorities.
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