U.S. lawmaker says American officials lacked 'courage' to help Azeri activist

09:00 | 13.02.2015
U.S. lawmaker says American officials lacked 'courage' to help Azeri activist

U.S. lawmaker says American officials lacked 'courage' to help Azeri activist

A U.S. lawmaker has criticized U.S. diplomats in Baku for allegedly declining to assist an Azerbaijani rights activist who claims he is the victim of political persecution and is currently being sheltered by Swiss diplomats in Azerbaijan’s capital.

U.S. Representative Dana Rohrabacher (Republican-California) accused U.S. officials in Baku of lacking courage for purportedly failing to assist activist Emin Huseynov, who is married to a U.S. citizen, when he reportedly appealed to them for help last year.

"When it became clear that he was wanted by the authorities, he asked the United States’ embassy for help,” Rohrabacher told a February 12 Congressional subcommittee hearing.

"Our embassy turned him away. But he was granted safe haven in the Swiss embassy, where he is today. And again, I guess it’s a sad day when the Swiss are more courageous than the Americans,” he added.

A February 11 report by Foreign Policy claimed that Huseynov initially contacted the U.S. embassy in Baku for help before seeking refuge in the Swiss embassy, where he has remained since August.

Swiss public television revealed earlier on February 11 that the Swiss embassy in Baku has been harboring Huseynov since August. The report said the activist pretended to be a Swiss national at the entrance of the compound to avoid being detained by the police.

A U.S. State Department official told RFE/RL on February 12 that American officials "have been engaged in quiet diplomacy on Emin Huseynov’s behalf” and have "urged” Azerbaijan’s government to allow him to depart the country "safely and expeditiously.”

"We will continue to seek opportunities to raise this case with senior Azerbaijani officials,” the official said on customary condition of anonymity.
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