US State Department advises lifting Cuba from terror list

10:00 | 10.04.2015
US State Department advises lifting Cuba from terror list

US State Department advises lifting Cuba from terror list

The US State Department has recommended that Cuba be removed from its list of states said to sponsor terrorism, a member of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee says.

Senator Ben Cardin called the move "an important step".

If carried out, the move could pave the way for the two countries to reopen embassies.

US President Barack Obama is also expected to meet Cuban leader Raul Castro formally for the first time.

Both leaders will be attending the 35-nation Summit of the Americas in Panama on Friday and Saturday.

It will be the first time a Cuban leader attends the Organization of American States (OAS) summit, which is usually dominated by the United States.

Cuba is one of four countries still on the US list of countries accused of repeatedly supporting global terrorism; Iran, Sudan and Syria are others.

Cuba was first put on the list in 1982 for offering sanctuary to militant ETA Basque separatists and Colombian Farc rebels.

"The State Department's recommendation to remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, the result of a months-long technical review, is an important step forward in our efforts to forge a more fruitful relationship with Cuba," Senator Cardin said.

If Mr Obama opts to accept the state department's recommendations, Congress would have 45 days to decide whether to override him.

There are vocal critics in Congress of Mr Obama's efforts to reach a diplomatic detente with Cuba.

US Senator Ted Cruz, a Cuban-American Republican, has been among President Obama's biggest critics on the issue.
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