Vuk Jeremic: Baku rapidly developing

18:30 | 13.03.2023
Vuk Jeremic: Baku rapidly developing

Vuk Jeremic: Baku rapidly developing

Baku has changed beyond recognition over the past years, Serbia's former Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic said at the meeting with students at ADA University.

"The city is rapidly developing and changing for better," Jeremic said.

He told the students about prospects of developing cooperation between Serbia and Azerbaijan.

Jeremic noted that Balkans just like the Caucasus are not a simple region. The former foreign minister spoke about the Kosovo problem, noting that Serbia just like Azerbaijan faced conflict and violation of its territorial integrity in its history. Azerbaijan managed to reclaim the occupied territories in 2020.

"I am glad that Azerbaijan's position on both Kosovo and Georgia is clear and understandable and complies with the principles of international law," the former Serbian Foreign Minister said.
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