Watching this barber work will leave you more relaxed - VIDEO

23:58 | 09.01.2014
Watching this barber work will leave you more relaxed - VIDEO

Watching this barber work will leave you more relaxed - VIDEO

Many have experienced that out-of-this-world feeling after having a good massage, but probably none more so than those who leave Baba's tiny shop, in Pushkar, India.

Using his unorthodox technique, marrying chakra, the Hindu system that focuses on energy flow, and a good old-fashioned shave, Baba, who is known as the Cosmic Barber, practises what his father and his grandfather taught him.It is impossible not to feel your head tingle as you watch his performance. He was filmed by Miguel Gutiérrez, a barber from Liverpool who is travelling the world to learn new techniques.He may not know what YouTube is, but as you can see in the video below, Baba is grateful that it is helping to make him famous.(
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