World base jump record by leaping off 2,717ft tallest building - PHOTO+VIDEO

16:00 | 26.04.2014
World base jump record by leaping off 2,717ft tallest building - PHOTO+VIDEO

World base jump record by leaping off 2,717ft tallest building - PHOTO+VIDEO

This is the moment a pair of daredevil skydivers set a new base jump world record by leaping 2,717 feet off the tallest building in the world.

Veteran base jumpers Fred Fugen and Vince Reffet prepared for their record breaking leap from Dubai's Burj Khalifa tower by spending time up a Swiss mountain to acclimatise to the altitude.The men are not the first to base jump from the top of the tower - which is roughly twice the height of New York's Empire State Building - but they had a special platform built to add an extra 500 feet, enabling them to break the world record.A spine-tingling video shows the two base jumpers dive from the world's tallest building and plummet towards the ground, before eventually pulling the chord on their parachutes and landing safely.To ensure they were used to the altitude, Fugen and Reffet practiced base jumping from a mountain near Lauterbrunnen in Switzerland, which is roughly the same height as the Burj Khalifa tower.The pair also made several jumps from helicopters in Dubai ahead of their record breaking effort in order to ensure they would not be distracted by the famous skyline. After jumping from the tower, Fugen said: 'This was the jump of a lifetime and an achievement of three years of hard training.''This was the jump of a lifetime and an achievement of three years of hard training. I am glad we landed successfully, accomplishing a lifelong dream', he added.His skydiving partner Vince Reffet said: 'This was my best jump by far. It was a dream come true.'The record breaking leap was only possible with the construction of a three by one meter platform at the very top of the pinnacle, which was incredibly difficult to build.The structure took a total of three days to install, with challenging weather conditions limiting the time available for construction.Skydive Dubai, who organised the record breaking jump, celebrated by posting a video of it on their Facebook page.In a statement, they added: 'This success is due to the 'practice make perfect' method of training that we always follow and the 100 per cent dedication of everyone working on this project.'Fugen and Reffet are veteran base jumpers and members of the Soul Flyers - a group that organises aerial sportsing events - including skydiving, base jumping, and paragliding.(

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