A photograph purportedly showing Melania Trump's grandmother is actually actress Janet Leigh

18:56 | 01.02.2017
A photograph purportedly showing Melania Trump's grandmother is actually actress Janet Leigh

A photograph purportedly showing Melania Trump's grandmother is actually actress Janet Leigh

ORIGIN:In January 2017, photographs began to show up on social media along with the claim that they were images of Melania Trump's grandmother, purportedly a Soviet soldier named Olga Orlif:

The earliest versions of this rumor that we could uncover were accompanied by Russian text, which we have translated below:
Старший лейтенант Советской Армии Ольга Орлиф - бабушка югославки Мелании Трамп :-)?

Senior Lieutenant of the Soviet Army Olga Orlif - grandma of Melania Trump

This photograph actually shows actress Janet Leigh as Lt. Anna Marladovna (later Lt. Anna Shannon) in the 1957 movie "Jet Pilot," a film about a Russian pilot who may or may not be a spy.  (It remains unclear whether this particular image is a still from the film, or if it was an official promotional photograph.)

The web site TheRedList.com featured another image of Leigh in her Soviet Army costume:

Information about the real grandparents of Melania Trump (previously Melania Knauss) remains scarce online. The only tidbit we were able uncover was that her grandparents lived in Sevnica, a town in Slovenia, and that her grandfather developed a red onion variety called the Raka — but even that tidbit is anecdotal. 

While we don't know much about the First Lady's grandmother, a photograph of a Soviet soldier who looks a lot like Janet Leigh along with the claim that it shows Melania Trump's grandmother is actually Janet Leigh dressed as a Soviet soldier for a 1957 movie role.


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